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Diploma Programmes

Move higher in your academic ladder by enhancing your skills and expertise as well as equipping yourself with essential knowledge that is valued by industry and higher institutions of education. Click Here to Apply for any of these Programmes

Diploma in Conservation Science and Tourism
Improve your technical expertise to function effectively in conservation and tourism.

Diploma in Dramatic Arts
Develop yourself and obtain professional and academic qualification in Theatre and Media Arts.

Diploma in French
Take a moment to equip yourself by learning another language.

Diploma in Fine and Applied Arts
Indulge yourself in the realm of visual arts by learning its practical and theoretical aspects.

Diploma in Music
Equip yourself by acquiring an edge in music with understanding in its universal dimensions.

Diploma in Physical and Health Education
Get the know-how to become effective games masters and sports organizers.

Diploma in Yoruba Studies
Achieve great competence and sophistication in your understanding and appreciation of Yoruba Language.

Click Here to Apply for any of these Programmes