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Executive Master’s in Technology Management

Technology Planning and Development Unit

Programme Category
Programme Objectives
Specifically, the course is designed to:
  • Develop in students a critical understanding of how Science and Technology can be harnessed for economic development;
  • Enable students develop technology management strategy and link this with the overall business strategy and development;
  • Equip students with a set of management skills in technology that would be required to create and implement innovation and change in the various functions of their organizations.
  • Understand the usefulness of gender as an analytical tool across disciplines and;
  • Revise tools available to integrate gender issues in poverty analysis and policies for managing socio-economic development.
Admission Requirements
A candidate with Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of second class lower division in engineering, technology and science. Candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Geography may be considered.
The course will last for 4 contact periods (two sessions).
Mode of Study
Face to face.
How to Apply
Application are made online, click here to review the steps involved when applying.
Please review fees information.
Related Course(s)
Executive Master's in Information Technology