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Postgraduate Programmes

Take advantage of the opportunities provided by our graduate programmes which are designed to advance your professional knowledge and qualifications.

Stay competitive in your career.

Executive Master's in Information Technology
Learn to work more productively in teams involved in the practice of modern ICT.

Executive Master's in Interior Design
Become an industry-ready interior design professional through systematic procedures.

Executive Master's in Public Health
Obtain practice-focused education in skills to critically analyse public health challenges.

Executive Master's in Environmental Management
Learn to work more productively in teams involved in the practice of modern ICT.

Executive Master's in Real Estate
Obtain practice-focused education in skills to critically analyse public health challenges.

Executive Master’s in Public Administration
Learn of how Science and Technology can be harnessed for economic development.

Executive Master’s in Technology Management
Learn of how Science and Technology can be harnessed for economic development.

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