Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2375 of /home/oaucdl/public_html/home/includes/

Terms of Use

Proprietary Rights

This Website is owned and operated by OAUCDL. The materials and information published on this website including all images, graphics and text are protected by copyright, trademark and other forms of proprietary rights. All rights, title and interest in the contents are vested in, owned by, licensed to or controlled by OAUCDL.

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Except as otherwise provided, the contents of this website shall not be reproduced, uploaded, published, posted, transmitted or otherwise circulated or distributed in any manner without prior written permission of OAUCDL.

It is permitted to download, copy, display or print material from this website for personal, non-commercial use provided that all accompanying copyright and other proprietary notices are kept intact.

It is however not permitted to modify any document or material copied from this website. If you intend to publish material from this site, to use it in promotions, advertising or product literature or in some other forms in the public domain, the copyright notice must appear in all copies and the publication must not imply OAUCDL endorsement of any company, institution or product.

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While OAUCDL will ensure that this site is normally available at all times, it shall not be liable if, for any reason, the site is unavailable for any period of time. Access to this site may be suspended temporarily or permanently and without notice.

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OAUCDL reserves all rights to restrict or deny access to this website to any particular person or to block access from a particular internet address to this website at any time without ascribing any reasons, thereof.


OAUCDL reserves the right to update or modify the content of this website from time to time. By accessing any part of this website, you are deemed to have accepted to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use.

These Terms and Conditions of Use may be modified from time to time. All changes will be published on this page and your use of the website after such changes will constitute your agreement to the Terms and Conditions of Use as modified. You should therefore read these pages carefully each time you visit this website.

These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed and construed in accordance with Nigerian Law.


Privacy Policy

OAUCDL recognizes the sanctity of confidential information and is committed to protecting your privacy by providing a website that respects and upholds this sanctity.

The OAUCDL website does not automatically capture or store personal information. In any case where you provide personal information, it will only be used to deliver the services you have requested. Appropriate steps will be taken to protect such information from unauthorized access or disclosure except as may be required by law.

The OAUCDL employs software programs that monitor network traffic and detect unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. These programs record the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of computers that visit the site. They also record session information such as date, number and time of visits, pages viewed and operating systems used by visitors. This information is only used for system administration and to provide statistics for evaluating the use of the site. No attempt is made to link this information to the identities of individual users unless an attempt to cause damage to the site is detected.